
Needle Felting Kit - Cactus


Are you taking my virtual needle felting workshop? Enroll here:

This is the kit that goes with the "Needle Felted Succulent" workshop.

In this introduction to needle felting workshop, you will learn to sculpt 3 different styles of cacti. We'll start with the most basic style (see far left example in photo), the work up to an intermediate style (middle example in photo) and finally we'll create an advanced style (far right example in photo) using a simple armature.

As long as you have good hand eye coordination, you can handle this workshop! No prior experience necessary. I'll walk you through everything you need to know step-by-step and share information about the tools and materials used in this magical medium. 

**Please note this kit does NOT include a felting pad or felting needles. If you've needle felting before and have that already, there's no need to buy an additional pad or needles. However, if this is your first time felting, you'll need to purchase both a felting pad and at least one needle. I have them on my site and I also share my favorite felting suppliers in the resource list that's available to you once you enroll in the course. **


- 3 x 1" terracotta pots

- 2 x pipe cleaners

- 1 oz green wool roving (for cactus)

- 0.5 oz black or brown roving (for dirt)

- 0.1 oz white roving (for strip or dot accents)

- 0.1 oz pink or yellow roving (for flowers)

- one bandaid (just in case)



- Needle felting pad (required to needle felt)

- Felting needles (required required to needle felt)

- Access to workshop (this must be purchased separately)

- Scissors (but you will need a pair for this workshop)

- Hot glue (optional)

- Carding paddles (not needed but referenced in the introduction to tools segment)